Leg day can be one of the most dreaded day in our weeks program, but the big question is why? it’s the hardest day no doubt, and you your sweat you acquire over the entire session is insane. To me this is my biggest motivator. Not only am I building muscle, I am burning a lot more calories during my leg session then I do in any other gym workouts during my week.
Here is what my typical Leg Day routine would look like:
Back squats (4 sets, 10-12 reps)
Front squats (3 sets, 10-12 reps)
Lunges (3 sets of walking back and forth)
Leg press (2 sets of one leg 12 reps each leg then 3 sets two legs of heavy weights 10-12 reps)
Triple Superset of leg extensions, hamstring and calf raises 3 sets 10-15 reps on all of them.
Make sure to take our Psycho Max pre-workout to help you through this killer workout.